
'Superstition' Characters

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fencergirl00's avatar

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"Hey Reina!" Alanna suddenly appeared behind me, making me jump.

"Gah! Don't sneak up on me like that!" I glared at the girl, but that was hard to do considering she towered over me at 5'10". She smiled mischievously back at me; I really didn't like the look in her light green eyes. She'd pulled her dark red hair back into its usual pony tail, which switched back and forth like the tail of a cat as she laughed.

"Sorry, it's fun to do. But anyway, there's someone I want you to meet." She turned and motioned someone over. As she stepped aside, my breath caught in my throat. Oh. My. God. A tall guy (I guessed he was probably around 6'1") was walking toward us at a normal pace, but to me, time seemed to slow to a near halt. His skin was lightly tanned. His semi-long, somewhat messy sandy brown hair shifted slightly with every step he took, his scraggly bangs falling a bit past his eyebrows. They emphasized his eyes: pools of blue-green that seemed to shine with an inner light, and seemed to be only able to hold kindness and love in their gaze. He smiled at me, and I felt my face turning crimson.
"Reina, this is Bryan." He smiled at me. Wow, he has a great smile...

"Hey" Alanna elbowed me, forcing the air back into my lungs.

"Hi. Nice to meet you." I managed to say, rubbing my now sore ribs; Alanna was a lot stronger than she looked. I realized I had to look up in order to meet his eyes. He laughed lightly.

"Wow Aly, I never thought you would have a friend who's shy." My face burned even more as I looked down, trying to hide behind my hair. I felt Alanna (Aly?) sling her arm across my shoulders.

"Aw leave her alone, Bry. She's new." I peeked through the curtain of my hair and saw him grinning. His teeth were pearly white against his tan.

"Yes mother." And he's funny too!

Within moments, the stage became a hive of activity. Alanna popped up on the catwalk above the stage, programming a few of the lights while shouting to a boy who looked no older than 13 in the lights and sound booth at the back of the house.

"Hey Cory, don't mess with the sound mixer just yet. Can you flip--" The rest of her sentence was lost as the whirring of a drill echoed through the theatre. A tall girl with dark brown hair and goggles was drilling screws into the set, securing the supports.

"Yo Kelsi, where does this go?" A Set Construction crew member carrying a long board turned suddenly, nearly hitting me with it; I ducked just in time. The girl, Kelsi I assumed, looked up.

"Over on the frame stage left. Cut it down if it doesn't fit." Oh right, I'd forgotten; Kelsi was the Stage Manager. A shorter girl with curly black hair tied up in a ponytail appeared next to me, holding a costume.
"Hey, hold still just a sec." She held the costume up to me. "By the way, I'm Beka. I'm the crewhead for Costumes, so if you need any help with quick changes or anything, just come find me, 'kay?"

"Uh, sure... thanks?" She smiled back at me.

"No problem! I'd get out of the way if I were you, though. You never know what's going to happen." Taking her advice, I hastily headed into the proscenium so that I wouldn't get in anyone's way again. A series of staccato steps followed me. I turned to see a short girl in tap shoes trying to get out of the way as well. She bobbed back and forth, reminding me a bit of a jack-in-the-box. As she stepped forward, she slipped and face-planted in front of me. I heard Alanna's laughter echo from the catwalk as the girl lay sprawled on the floor, muttering curses under her breath.

"Wow Leesh, can't you stay on your feet for once?" She called, leaning on the rail. I helped the girl to her feet. Her layered, short brown hair was messy, and her glasses slightly skewed, but other than that she seemed fine.

"Thanks. At least you're nicer than some people!" She directed the last part toward Alanna, who was still laughing as she worked on the lights.
These are just some character introductions the story I'm working on, kinda to get a feel for the story. I'm not going to explain how Reina and Alanna know each other just yet, because that would require me to put up my first bit of the story, and there's a reason why I'm not posting it.
In case you got lost as to who the characters are based on (some should be rather obvious), here's a little run-down:

Reina- Original character, but I based her personality a bit on my friend Juliana.

Alanna- Original character, although I gave her a personality similar to my own.

Roxanne- Original character. She's how I would imagine myself as a theatre ghost, though.

Bryan- Semi-original character. I heavily based his design off of my friend Ryan.

Cory- If you guys don't guess who he's based off of, that's pretty pathetic (This applies to Gorman people only).

Kelsi Vann- AKA the "Mini Vann" because her brother, Tyler, was the Stage Manager before he graduated, so she's living up to his name. Based on my friend Haley.

Rebekka "Beka"- Based on my friend Beka. The real Beka actually isn't involved with theatre, but I had to put her in for the sake of my amusement.

Alicia "Leesh"- Again, a no brainer (This applies to Gorman people as well.) I intentionally made her nickname an anagram of her real nickname. You can always tell she's coming when Reina mentions hearing the staccato steps of tap shoes, or her loud voice.

Anyway, hope you like it!
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DigitalScratch's avatar
Nice characters man! :D


Cory=Calder, Alicia=Ashley!?